"Sonderlage" is an intense thriller by Andreas Senn that explores the group dynamics emerging in exceptional circumstances for which Florian Tessloff and I wrote the music in late 2022.
The score is just as intense, opting to forego the usual string-based fare and leaning more into the experimental side of sound.
Rike Huy contributes mind-melting trumpets and fluegelhorn, Benjamin Reicheil provides baritone sax multiphonics, Ben Winkler saws his cello in half, and Alex Hoeffken drives drum assaults. This is framed by LYRA8 drones or modular synth riffs and earth shattering MS-20 Bass drums as well as every kind of sound we could find ran through some kind of distortion unit at least once (usually at least twice).
The soundtrack was mixed to great effect by Jonathan Feurich
Photos ©RTL Nadja Klier