This weeks piece features a bit of tension. I'm incorperating the Serge "Wavemultipliers" into my usual two Oscillator cross modulation setup. I think it adds a nice bit of colour into the mix.
Patch Notes: The patch starts out with two EvenVCOs going into the aforementioned Serge Wavemultipliers which sat in my other rack for a long while until Beads freed up some HPs in this one. From there the signals are patched into the BF-22 filter by Befaco, into the Hexmix VCA and then into the 4ms DLD. Two additional outputs from the EvenVCOs are patched directly into the Hexmix VCA, modulated by two sequences on Pressure Points (with Brains) and the RYO VC Sequencer and patched back into the FM inputs of the EvenVCOs for that sweet FM goodness...